【聯署聲明】支持香港實施“港區國安法”,維護香港“一國兩制” 穩定發展


支持香港實施“港區國安法”,維護香港“一國兩制” 穩定發展


自1997 年香港回歸中國後,香港是 “一國兩制”的中國特別行政區。香港是中國不可分割的領土,香港事務是中國的內政。近一年多來,香港發生少數激進恐怖分子及“港獨”不法分子以暴力行徑製造騷亂,阻礙交通,佔據國際機場,搗亂立法會,包圍警察總署,暴力攻擊警民;甚至衝擊中聯辦,塗污中華人民共和國國徽,將中國國旗丟入大海。這種暴力行徑嚴重危害了香港社會穩定,觸碰了香港“一國兩制”的底線,阻礙了香港的經濟發展, 更是危害了中國的國家安全。

今年7月1日,香港正式實施《港區國安法》。今年5月28日,中國全國人大通過了決議並由全國人大常委會根據《憲法》和《基本法》,啟動相關程序,為香港製定《香港維護國家安全法》(簡稱《港區國安法》 )。在香港實施《港區國安法》是為了保障香港更好地實施“一國兩制”的舉措,旨在填補香港在國家安全立法領域的漏洞,有利於香港法治更加完備,有利於香港的安定及繁榮發展。 。

我們在此聯合聲明,支持《港區國安法 》在香港實施,支持香港“一國兩制”長治久安及穩定繁榮發展。世界上多個國家都有實施“國安法”,這是每個國家捍衛自己國家安全的合法主權。


Joint Statement from The Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver and Hong Kong Canadians on Hong Kong Situation Association, in unity with other Chinese Associations and Individuals across Canada

Support Hong Kong’s implementation of the ” The Hong Kong National Security Law ” and maintain the stable development of Hong Kong under the “One Country, Two Systems”

Canada was one of the first western nations to establish diplomatic ties with China, and 2020 marks the 50th anniversary of this historical friendship. China has since become Canada’s second largest trading partner, offering immediate and significant opportunities for economic growth. We should cherish and build on this relationship with China, and foster mutual co-operation that will benefit both countries.

There are hundreds of thousands of Chinese Canadians who have immigrated from Hong Kong, and some three hundred thousand (300,000) Canadians currently living and working in Hong Kong. Clearly, Chinese Canadians have a vested interest in and a very close connection with the welfare of Hong Kong and Canada’s relationship with China.

Since the reunification with China in 1997, Hong Kong became a Special Administrative Region of China under the ‘one country, two system’ principle. In 2019, a small number of pro-independence rioters have instigated violent acts by destroying and setting fire to public and private properties, interrupting the operations of the airport and public transit systems, willfully inflicting physical harm to people with different opinions and law enforcement officers, vandalizing and destroying the Legislative Council and the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government, and throwing the national flag into the harbour. These acts continued on for the past year, seriously compromising the stability of Hong Kong, and creating havoc to the economy and threatening national security.

To address the above grave situation, the National People’s Congress of China passed a resolution and the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress initiated relevant procedures in accordance with the Constitution and the Basic Law to formulate the Hong Kong Law on the Maintenance of National Security for Hong Kong (referred to as the “ Hong Kong National Security Law”) on May 28, 2020. This National Security Law was officially implemented in Hong Kong on July 1, 2020.

Many countries around the world have national security laws in place including Canada, United States and the United Kingdom. To suppress the Quebec separatist movement in 1970, Canada invoked the peace time use of the ‘War Measures Act’ in response to the ‘October Crisis’. This introduction of the ‘War Measures Act’ received overwhelming support from both English Speaking and French speaking Canadians at the time as national security was deemed paramount. A similar separatist movement now exists in Hong Kong, we should respect China’s sovereignty and not interfere with China’s internal affairs.

As Chinese Canadians with roots and family ties in Hong Kong, we hereby jointly declare our full support for the implementation of the “Hong Kong National Security Act”, that will facilitate and maintain the long-term stability and prosperous development of Hong Kong under the ‘one country, two systems’ principle.



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