
自1997 年香港回歸中國後,香港是 “一國兩制”的中國特別行政區。近幾年來,香港發生少數激進恐怖分子及“港獨”不法分子以暴力行徑製造騷亂,阻礙交通,佔據國際機場,搗亂立法會,包圍警察總署,暴力攻擊警民;甚至衝擊中聯辦,塗污中華人民共和國國徽,將中國國旗丟入大海。這種暴力行徑嚴重危害了香港社會安定,阻礙了香港的經濟發展,觸碰了香港“一國兩制”的底線,更是危害到中國的國家安全與和平建設。
今年5月28日,中國全國人大通過了「全國人民代表大會關於建立健全香港特別行政區維護國家安全的法律制度和執行機制的決定」。全國人大常委會根據《憲法》和《基本法》,立即啟動相關程序,為香港製定《香港維護國家安全法 》(下稱《港區國安法 》)。全國人大通過訂立《港區國安法》,是為了保障香港更好地實施“一國兩制”的舉措,旨在填補香港在國家安全立法領域的漏洞,有利於香港法治更加完備,有利於香港的安定及繁榮發展。
我們在此聯合聲明,支持《港區國安法 》在香港實施,支持香港“一國兩制”長治久安。香港是中國不可分割的領土,香港事務是中國的內政。維護香港法治繁榮,捍衛祖國領土完整,保護國家安全及和平發展,促進加中友好,這都是我們海內外華人的共同願望。
Support the “one country, two systems” principle, and uphold the rule of law and prosperity in Hong Kon
– A joint statement by the Chinese Benevolent Association of Vancouver, Hong Kong Canadians on Hong Kong Situation Association in unity with other Chinese Associations across Canada
Canadians of Chinese origin are very concerned about the current situation in Hong Kong. Historically, Canada has shared close ties with Hong Kong and China. The first Chinese immigrants arrived in Canada in the 18th century. During the Second World War, the Canadian army took part in the battle to defend Hong Kong against the Japanese. Some Chinese Canadian soldiers were specially trained with the intention to fight behind enemy lines in China and other Asian countries. Many Chinese living in Canada are from Hong Kong and currently there are nearly 300,000 Canadians who live and work in Hong Kong. Chinese Canadians and the people of Hong Kong have common roots and have always shared a common love for Hong Kong, China and Canada.
Since the return of Hong Kong to the People’s Republic of China, Hong Kong has been a special administrative region of China under the “one country, two systems” principle. In recent years, a small group of radical terrorists and Hong Kong independence activists committed violent crimes by blocking roads, occupying the international airport, vandalizing the Legislative Council (LegCo), firebombing the police headquarters and violently attacking police and civilians in Hong Kong. They even stormed the Liaison Office of the Central People’s Government in the HKSAR, defaced the national emblem, burned and tossed the national flag into the sea. Such violent acts have not only seriously endangered the law and order of Hong Kong, held back its economy and challenged the bottom line of the “one country, two systems” principle, but have also threatened China’s national security and the livelihood of its citizens.
On May 28 this year, the 13th National People’s Congress (NPC) voted to approve the decision to establish and improve the legal framework and enforcement mechanism for the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region (HKSAR) to safeguard national security. The NPC Standing Committee will immediately start the relevant legislative procedure to establish and complete both the legal framework and enforcement mechanism for safeguarding
national security in the HKSAR in accordance with the Constitution of the People’s Republic of China and Hong Kong’s Basic Law under the “one country, two systems” principle, aiming to close any loopholes in Hong Kong’s current law system on national security. This will improve law and order, and safeguard the stability and prosperity of Hong Kong.
We hereby make a joint statement in support of the implementation of the national security law in Hong Kong and the “one country, two systems” principle to safeguard the long-term stability in Hong Kong. Hong Kong is an integral part of China and its affairs are China’s internal affairs. The common wishes of all Chinese, home and abroad, are to uphold the rule of law, civil liberty and prosperity in Hong Kong, safeguard the territorial integrity of the People’s Republic of China, protect national security and peaceful development, and promote friendship between Canada and China.
The above statement was jointly issued by the following organizations:
(the list is in no particular order), please forgive us for any errors or omission